Sample Message

Keep public funds with public schools

Copy and paste this message into an email or printed message you can customize and send to your legislators:

Thank you for your service to Texas. There will be talk in the legislative session about the concept of school choice. With limited resources available to the state, I ask that you please only spend public dollars in public schools.

Traditional school districts offer a variety of choice options for students and parents. I encourage you to consider whether there are more ways to expand choice within our independent school districts. Importantly, these school districts are overseen by locally elected school boards. Charter schools and private schools are not as transparent about their academic and financial performance as traditional public schools governed by locally elected school boards. Investing in traditional public schools is the best way to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of taxpayer dollars.

Thank you again for your service to the state, and especially to our schoolchildren. 

Or if you prefer to place a phone call, we suggest the following main points with any other message you want to share:
• Hello, my name is ____________, and I am a constituent.
• I appreciate your support for public education .
• With limited resources available to the state, I ask that you please only spend public dollars in public schools.
• Please ensure that public tax dollars go only to schools that are accountable to local voters and taxpayers through locally-elected school boards. 
• Thank you for your service to our state and community, and also for your time today. 

Remember, you can find the contact information (email, mailing address, and phone number) for your legislator at: 
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